SCORPINION – Nuclear Power as A Source of Energy

Nuclear power, as an energy source, has long been a subject of intense debate. On one hand, it offers a high energy yield and low greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuels, a potentially vital step in combating climate change. On the other hand, concerns over radioactive waste management, nuclear accidents, and the potential for weaponization raise significant safety and ethical issues.

In this edition of SCORPINION, we invite you, SCORPions, to give your perspectives on the subject!

Hisanifa Arifani – LORP UB 2023/2024

  • Indonesia menghadapi tantangan serius dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan energi yang makin meningkat, tetapi harus tetap memperhatikan prinsip ramah lingkungan dan berkelanjutan. Dalam hal ini, energi nuklir hadir sebagai terobosan baru untuk menjawab krisis energi di Indonesia.
  • Penggunaan tenaga nuklir sebagai sumber energi kerap menimbulkan kekhawatiran dan ketakutan di masyarakat, apalagi pengalaman sejarah menyebutkan tragedi kecelakaan nuklir di Chernobyl menimbulkan ribuan warga terpaksa mengevakuasi diri dan mengalami masalah kesehatan, seperti kanker, kelainan genetik, bahkan kematian. Faktanya, tidak semua hal yang berisiko tinggi menjadi berbahaya jika dikelola dan diawasi dengan tepat, sama halnya dengan risiko terjadinya kebocoran nuklir dan dampak kesehatan yang menyertainya dapat diminimalisasi dengan penerapan aturan dan prosedur sesuai standar. 
  • Di samping itu, nuklir dikenal sebagai sumber energi rendah karbon yang aman dan memiliki kontribusi signifikan dalam mengurangi dampak perubahan iklim. Pembangunan PLTN juga memberikan dampak positif bagi masyarakat, seperti menyediakan listrik yang murah, membuka lapangan pekerjaan baru, mendorong perkembangan industri, dan mempercepat pertumbuhan ekonomi. Meskipun demikian, diperlukan perhatian khusus dalam pembangunan PLTN, seperti pengolahan limbah nuklir, kualitas sumber daya manusia, lokasi pembangunan, dan sistem keselamatan pasif yang mumpuni. Dengan demikian, sudah sepantasnya kita membuka diri terhadap segala potensi yang dijanjikan energi nuklir sebagai sumber energi yang masif dan berkelanjutan.

Muhammad Syauqi Algifari – LORP Unpad 2023/2024

  • In just a year, humans consume more than a billion fossil fuels that nature has taken millions of years to produce. As we all know the experts have shown the effect of this bad thing that leads to an extreme climate strike in the whole world.
  • When you think of the terms of green energy for this problem’s solution, nuclear energy is often left out in the cold. Why? The problem is not technology, the ignorance is. Humanity’s rejection of nuclear power was a massive mistake, there are too many misconceptions and divisive opinions about nuclear power. And because of that, the government and nuclear industry needs to speak up and address the public’s fears so the world can use nuclear energy for the incredible solution, instead of being afraid of it.

Andityo Rahman Winahyu – CHRT CIMSA Universitas Indonesia

  • Nuclear fission was discovered in 1938, along with its use around 1940–1950 for World War II as a source to generate nuclear weapons. However, currently, nuclear power is being developed as an alternative source in order to produce energy for its “peaceful” use.
  • Nuclear itself is a clean energy source and produces low carbon emissions as it releases heat through splitting uranium atoms instead of burning fossil sources, which release carbon as a side product. This might be the solution to the current climate change that affects our lives, as it does not pollute the air with greenhouse gasses.
  • Besides being a clean source of energy, the byproduct of nuclear fission is highly radioactive because it consists of unstable atomic nuclei, which could affect other materials within the environment. It needs to be stored carefully as it is extremely toxic to living things, including humans, resulting in an increased risk of cancer.
  • In conclusion, nuclear power might be useful to fight current air pollution as it is considered a clean energy source. However, the regulation on its use must be strictly enforced, especially on the byproduct storage, to make sure that it does not leak and cause risks for living things.