SCORP Camp 2019

CIMSA’s Humanitarian Response Team Training.

According to Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management or as we call it BNPB, Indonesia is more likely to suffer from disaster, as more than 184 million people in Indonesia lives within the area which has higher risk of disaster event. Moreover, the number of disasters is expected to increase over the year. Besides all that, the increase of turmoil regarding human rights issues specifically on health and education rights is currently occurring in Indonesia. Therefore, in order to tackle these issues, SCORP-CIMSA has the initiative to equip medical students with the knowledge and skills to respond to such issues through SCORP Camp.

SCORP Camp is a national meeting which is held by SCORP-CIMSA every two years. The main goal of this event is to bring in new Human Rights Trainer (HRT) and CIMSA’s Humanitarian Response Team (CHRT). This year, it was held in Tawangmangu and Surakarta and hosted by CIMSA FK UNS. This year theme is “Emphasizing Medical Students’ Role to Respond Human Rights and Disaster Issues”.

Welcoming Party.
Grand Lecture, brought by BPJS Indonesia.

SCORP CAMP 2019 had several sessions in 3 days. The highlight of the first day was the Welcoming Party in which CIMSA FK UNS welcomed all delegates with “Ceremonial Claypot Pitcher” and entertained them with traditional dances. Earlier in the morning, delegates were divided into two groups-TNHRT (Training New Human Rights Trainer) and CHRT-to participate in training sessions delivered by Human Rights Trainer in TNHRT and by ASB Indonesia in CHRT.

In addition to trainings, there was also Grand Lecture session which was the highlight of day 2. It was about latest update on Implementation of JKN-KIS by Andayani Budi Lestari SE., MM., AAK as Director of Expansion and Participant Service BPJS Indonesia. Afterwards, the delegates proceeded to participate in training sessions that discuss various aspects that correlated with human rights issues as well as disaster issues.

CIMSA’s Humanitarian Response Team Training.

In addition to trainings, there was also Grand Lecture session which was the highlight of day 2. It was about latest update on Implementation of JKN-KIS by Andayani Budi Lestari SE., MM., AAK as Director of Expansion and Participant Service BPJS Indonesia. Afterwards, the delegates proceeded to participate in training sessions that discuss various aspects that correlated with human rights issues as well as disaster issues.

NCORP session was quite different than the rest of the sessions. All delegates which were previously divided into two group gathered in one space and had several games with NCORP. This session also gave the chance for NCORP to introduce themselves and their job description. Later on, the second was finally wrapped up with Disney-themed farewell party where all Liaison Officers, delegates, and also NCORP showed their performance. Special performances from Liaison Officers and NCORP were done in front of bonfire. After that, delegates took a rest in their tents to recharge their energy for the third day and the social program.

Training for New Human Rights Trainers.

On the third day, the delegates packed their belongings and memories before heading down to Surakarta. Before going back to Surakarta, the delegates had been given the chance to take parts in conducting a campaign. What something special about this year’s SCORP Camp was that its third day was the implementation ground campaign of Human Rights Day 2019.

Farewell Party.

This year’s campaign theme was about Universal Health Coverage (UHC)-implemented in Indonesia as Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional-Kartu Indonesia Sehat (JKN-KIS)-and the right to health itself. The delegates were divided into smaller groups and assigned in different and specific parts, like being the masters of ceremony, explaining more about UHC to the audiences, as well as opening a booth for blood glucose check-up. The main objective of this campaign was to expose the awareness and knowledge the audience regarding UHC and its implementation. The last but not the least, the campaign would not be a success if it did not collaborate with the BPJS Kesehatan.